Holly the octopus.

A good idea of what happens when I step away for five minutes.
We didn't make much of a big deal out of Halloween this year because Holly is still young. Actually, we did more for Halloween this year than we have in years past! On previous Halloweens, we have hidden in our apartment with the porch lights off, studying, or given in and gone to the library to study. This year we went to our ward's Fall Festival on the 30th (that's where these pictures were taken) and went to my in-laws on Halloween to visit with them. I made Holly's costume, which didn't turn out how I envisioned, but I didn't want to spend much money on it (because, let's face it, she's 5 months old). So considering it cost about $3.00 to make, it turned out pretty well.
Also, I finally cashed in my gift certificate to get a haircut!

The picture really doesn't do it justice--this is after being out in the elements all day. Someday soon I will take a picture right after I style it in the morning in all its glory.
These are some pictures from a mini-photo session I had with Holly this afternoon. Most of them were not great because she really needed a nap, but I thought these were really beautiful.

This baby will be 5 months old tomorrow! She's so grown-up.