I suppose it's time to let the cat out of the bag and let you all know that we're expecting. Again. It seems like I just had a baby, and now we're going to be having another one! I'm due in October, which means that our two little beans will be about 16 months apart. To quote my mother-in-law, "Any mother having babies that close together deserves a medal!" Well spoken.
While I am generally panic-stricken and wondering how we could possibly do this to ourselves, there will be some upsides to having children this close together.
1. They will most likely be great little buddies. After the first several months, they can entertain each other!
2. Holly is a good little helper already, so hopefully she will continue on this trend.
3. I will have another one of these:

And who can resist that?
On the negative side, what is up with my hair?! I will tell you. You know how your hair gets thick and luxurious during pregnancy? And then it falls out in huge clumps afterward? And then it kind of starts to grow back? And then you get pregnant again and your hair gets thick and voluminous again? On my head, that series of events produces that nice little tuft you see in that picture of me. It's trying to wave and say hello. Isn't that nice of my hair? I spend about 5 minutes each morning trying to tame it, and by the end of the day (or 30 minutes later) I look like this again. Amazing.
Anyway, I have set up a little poll for you, my lovely family and friends, to guess the gender of our baby. We don't really have the energy to try and guess ourselves, so you can do it for us! I have my ultrasound in a few weeks, so stay tuned to see if your guess was correct.