Holly is such a good little helper around the house. She will go get diapers and wipes, pick up toys off the floor (sometimes), and she likes to "help" with folding the laundry.

By her definition, helping Mama fold laundry consists of grabbing things out of the laundry basket and wrapping them around herself. If they are still warm from the dryer, all the better. I don't mind, though--I figure this will give way to
actually helping with the laundry soon enough.
A few weeks ago, Andrew decided to give Holly a bath in our new kitchen sink. This previously had not worked out so well, but now she loves it! It's just the right size. Andrew leaves the water on really low and she splashes around and slurps water out of the faucet. Good times!

She has also started getting in touch with her "baby" side. The swing has been rediscovered, and last week I took the bouncy seat out for a friend's baby. Holly has made a habit of sitting in it herself like it's a recliner.

That little girl is under there somewhere! She grabs her sippy cup, a stuffed animal, and just hangs out in there. It will be a nasty surprise when the baby comes in a few months and takes her recliner away from her.
Okay, now for some sappy stuff: We love this baby too much! She gets sweeter every day, and we love her more and more every day. I think it's amazing how that happens. I love her so much more now than I did even a few months ago, and I'm sure that love will grow and grow. It's incredible! (Now I've got that sappy nonsense out of my system. Phew!)
Still to come: pictures of our new, renovated kitchen! It's a mess right now, but cleaning it is on my to-do list today. Then, pictures! Sorry it's taken so long, but you know how it goes--life got in the way.