Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hello, Swine Flu...

Well, the dreaded swine flu has hit Nueces County. And, as a result of that, I get almost 2 weeks off from school!!! All Corpus Christi ISD schools are closed until April 14th. Needless to say, I'm pretty excited--my excitement rivals that of my students. Today is my first swine flu vacation day and I'm kicking back and enjoying the extra time off before the baby comes.
Speaking of the baby...I got that ultrasound done a few weeks ago, along with a Biophysical Profile. She was far too scrunched up to get a good picture of her face or really anything but hands and feet. I did, however, confirm that the baby is indeed a girl. I'm pretty relieved because I had been unwrapping and washing everything that I got from my shower. So now I know that it wasn't in vain! At my last doctor's appointment, my doctor told me that the baby is in the 46th percentile for size and weight, which is "absolutely perfect" (her words, not mine). So at this time, we have a very average-sized baby. Which is great! I hope she doesn't get too much bigger...I have been having chats with her about how she needs to be nice to her mama and not get too big before she comes out.
This morning, I got really ambitious and decided to try to take our stroller and car seat out of the box and see what I could do about assembling them. Uh...needless to say, the stroller is still in pieces that I put into a heap in the corner of the baby's room. I'm sure Andrew will be less than thrilled to see this (he is still sleeping because he worked last night). I'm starting to get really excited and the nesting instinct is really strong, so I'm trying to find things to do to get ready for the baby's arrival! However, sometimes I get a little too excited and try to take on tasks that, for me, are impossible. Thank goodness for a husband who is so good at things like putting a stroller together! I don't know what we would do without his talent--we would be completely lost.


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