My dear friend Tiffany so kindly agreed to take some family photos of us. I felt an urgency to get some of just the three of us before the baby comes, so we took them last weekend. Holly was interested in
everything else but the camera, so she was not easy to work with. All of the pictures Tiffany gave us were fantastic. I am super impressed and excited about them! Here are a few for you to enjoy.

A very flattering picture of the three of us.

My sweet, beautiful baby. (Am I allowed to say that? Does that sound braggy? Sorry.) This was one of the few smiles caught on camera.

35 weeks and
so over being pregnant.
Thank you so much, Tiffany! The pictures are beautiful and you made us all look great. I love, love, love them.
WAY CUTE KATIE!! Tiff is awesome, huh?! I'll call you next week - if you're feeling up to it maybe we'll stop by while Kay's at dance. :)
You can say that,. It's not braggy. : ) Every mom should be allowed to say that about their kids. And it is a very cute smile of her. Love it. And you look great! Almost there!
I absolutely love that picture of Holly! SO cute! The pictures turned out great! Can't wait to see more.
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