Here's what has been going on lately at the King house: lots of lounging and napping! Andrew has had the past two weeks off of work, so the four of us have been hanging out. I have loved every minute of it and am so sad for him to go back to work tomorrow! We are loving our sweet Josie and Holly is doing so great with her little sister. After the first three days or so, Josie has been a wonderful baby who doesn't fuss very much. She is a great sleeper and not-so-great eater. She's so cuddly and we're adjusting pretty well to having her around.
Holly is gaining more interest in Josie. At first, she ignored Josie completely; now she approaches her sometimes and tries to share pretty much everything with her. If Josie is crying, Holly finds a pacifier to give her or rocks her in the swing. Holly covers her with extra blankets and likes to help change her diapers and clean her umbilical cord.

Here Holly is arranging Josie in her swing. Josie coughed once or twice and sneezed a few times, and whenever she made noise Holly would look at me and crack up. A few minutes after I took this picture, Holly arranged her favorite blankie over Josie and put the tray to the swing down. She is already a good big sister! It warms my heart to see the two of them like this. I have high hopes that they will be the best of friends.
They will be just like you and Emily. And that makes me so happy!!!
Holly is so sweet! Those two are beyond cute!!
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