Monday, August 10, 2009

Two Months Old

Last Tuesday (August 4th), Holly turned 2 months old! I can't believe that all this time has passed already. I took her to the doctor on the 6th for her well-baby visit. She weighed 11 lb. 12 oz. and was 23 1/4 inches long! This put her in the 70th percentile for weight and the 80th percentile for height. Our little girl is growing so fast! She also had her first big round of shots. She was such a trooper! She was being perfectly cheerful and cooing away until the nurse stuck her the second time. Then she lost it. Who can blame her?

In honor of Holly being 2 months old, I thought I would do a post on things that she enjoys in life. Here are some things Holly loves:

1. Her pacifier. Probably almost as much or more tham she loves her parents.

2. Bath time! If Holly is cranky, a surefire way to make her happy again is to let her splash around in the tub.

3. Being swaddled. We swaddle her every night for bedtime, sometimes for naps, and also if she gets a little cranky. Combine this with the above-mentioned paci and...bliss.

4. Cuddling with mom or dad. Holly absolutely adores being held, as all babies do.

5. Sucking on her hands. Holly has discovered the yummyness and sheer joy of hand chewing. A good alternative to the paci.

Things we love about Holly:

1. Her smiles and funny faces she makes at us. She is so cute! (We may be biased because we are her parents, and if that is the case, oh well.)

2. Her cuddliness. She is so soft and cozy--impossible to resist!

3. The way she "talks." Holly has quite the little voice and coos all the time! It's pretty entertaining.

4. Her easy-going nature. Holly is usually a very happy baby. At night, all we have to do is swaddle her, put her in the swing for a bit, and she's out like a light.


Taryn said...

She is so beautiful!

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