I've been feeling bad since I have not updated our blog in awhile, and feeling even worse because we haven't taken many pictures lately! Holly is getting to the age where she is much, much more fun and interactive. I've been spending all my time playing with her and forgetting to take lots of pictures!
We didn't have a very good Labor Day weekend in our house--Holly and I had really bad colds. Yuck. I woke up on Labor Day feeling like the living dead. I had just enough energy to drag myself from bed to the couch and back again. Poor Holly got the worst of her cold on Tuesday. She spent most of the weekend asleep in a little nest of blankets Andrew made for her on our living room floor.

Andrew took one for the team over the weekend and changed diapers, gave Holly a bath, and put her to bed so I could lie on the couch feeling sorry for myself. Thanks, hon! Luckily, Holly and I are both feeling 100% better by now.
For the first 2 1/2 months of her life, Holly was the catnapping queen. Just as I thought she was going to be asleep for awhile and made plans for a baby-free hour or two, she would wake up. (Probably sensing that I wanted to do something without her.) However, in the past couple of weeks, she has started taking AMAZING naps. She sleeps for an average of 3 hours at a time! Sometimes a little more, sometimes less. As I am typing this, she has been asleep for almost 3 hours. I almost don't know what to do with myself! Notice I said
almost. It certainly has made my life a whole lot easier since I can get stuff done or take a nap myself during her naptime!

This picture was actually taken just a few minutes ago. She looks so peaceful and cute when she's napping! Especially when I've had a few moments to myself.
By the way, I am totally loving Andrew's new job. He comes home in the middle of the afternoon, we can eat dinner by 5:00 (when I can get it together), and we have the entire evening to relax and spend time together. Except...we always seem to be at a loss of what to do, exactly. We are not the most exciting people in the world, so usually we just eat ice cream and watch TV. Fun, but we should expand our horizons a bit, don't you think?
Holly has really started showing a preference for her mommy. Sometimes she will only want to be held and cuddled by me. I have to admit, it makes me feel good to feel needed. But sometimes I just want to hand her to Andrew for a few minutes! Here she is in one of her less cheerful moods:

Still very cute, but very cranky. She was on Andrew's lap and, obviously, not happy about it.